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AUSTRALIA - the lonely Continent

A continent with many peculiarities. The journey leads us from the largest reef on earth with its breathtaking underwater world to the Great Dividing Range. To the oldest tropical rainforest on earth besides natural landscapes and farmlands of the Eastcoast. To life in Australian society, with an excoursions to the cities of Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, which show themselves as vibrant urban centres. After thousands of kilometres through the mystical centre of Australia, Kings Canyon, Mount Conner and Ayers Rock appear. Interesting insights into the mining industry, one of the country’s most important sectors of the economy. Gold, diamonds, opals, and iron ore are the most wanted materials, which are extracted from the soil in more or less large quantities. The outback of Western Australia, fascinates especially by its lonely landscapes, its geological peculiarities and the exotic fauna. Rivers in the desert and pristine nature give extraordinary inspiration. The Rainforest in the tropical north is in extrem contrast to the mainly dry continent. Indigenous people (Aboriginals), who partly try to preserve the little that`s left of their disappearing culture have great difficulties to get along with the Australian way of life.

Great Barrier Reef Great Dividing Range Sydney Tasmania Ayers Rock Perth Goldmines Outback Expedition Geology Bushcamp Kangaroos Kimberley’s Aboriginals Down Under